Veg with Millet Dauphinous

Veg with Millet Dauphinous

Millet is rich in vitamin B, calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc it's a great protein and gluten-free. You might have seen millet in the health food store, and maybe not sure how to use it, have a go, it's really good for this time of the year.

Millet has a light texture, making it a great choice for breaking up the density of Kapha season or whenever you are feeling sluggish, heavy or looking to connect to the lighter subtle realms. It's perfect for this heavy sluggish rainy season.

Millet is great for Kapha but generally can be too light and dry for Vata, but the milk and cheese compensate here. Its ok for Pitta, but again during this wet sluggish season its fine, reduce the cheese if anything.


  • 1 Cup of Millet
  • 2 Cups of water
  • 2 Leeks sliced into rings
  • 1 Carrot sliced into thin rings
  • Bunch of parsley chopped small
  • 1 teaspoon of sage, I like to use sage from my garden a small bunch chopped small
  • 3 Spring Onions 
  • Feta or vegan cheese
  • About cups of almond milk to cover the dish
  • The juice of half a lemon and the rind grated.
  • A tablespoon or two of flour of your choice to thicken the milk and cheese mix


Cook the millet in the water until the millet is soft cooked and fluffy about 20 to 30 mins max

In the meantime saute all veggies and herbs in ghee and cook for about 15 mins until fragrant.

Combine the millet and veg mix together.

Mix a little milk into the flour to make a thinnish paste and use this along with the cheese to thicken the milk.

In a separate pan heat the almond and crumble the cheese and slowly stirring in the cheese and flour thickener, don't overcook as it will all go stringy. When its melted and thickened, add lemon juice and rind and pour over the millet and veg and sprinkle some extra cheese on top.

Put under the grill and brown the top.

Serve in bowls with lots of green veggies.




Linda Bretherton

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