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Dinacharya, Early to Rise

Dinacharya, Early to Rise. Dinacharya says that each day two cycles of change occur, that correlate with the Ayurvedic concept of dosha. Routines covered by dinacharya include: waking time, elimination, hygiene, massage, exercise, bathing, meditation and prayer, meals, study, work, relaxation and sleeping

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Ayurvedic Daily Routine Dinacharya

Dinacharya (Sanskrit: दिनचर्या "daily-routine") is a concept in Ayurvedic medicine that looks at the cycles of nature and bases daily activities around these cycles. Ayurveda tells us that routines help establish balance and that understanding daily cycles are useful for promoting health.

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Dinacharya Brushing the Teeth by Dr Arya

Our resident Dr Arya gives us some specialist advice of brushing our teeth from an Ayurvedic perspective, with a recipe that you can mix yourself. The Ayurvedic sages knew that the natural twigs and herbs contained antibacterial qualities that helped to protect the gums. If only we did that nowadays, rather than relying on commercial toothpaste.

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Dinacharya Daily Drinking Warm Water

Water is one of the most important substances that we need to sustain on this earth. The element water, called “apas” in Sanskrit, is the fourth of the five great elements (pancha mahabhutus).

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Dinacharya Nasya Nasal Treatment

Nasya is one among the Panchakarma (5 Purification therapies) procedures where the medicine is instilled through the nostrils. The nose is the only route through which the medicine reaches the head. Nasya helps in purifying the area above the neck.

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Dr Arya Describes Dinacharya

Dr Arya Describes Dinacharya. Dr Arya is doing a series of articles that inform us all about the valuable daily practices called Dinacharya. In Ashtangahridaya textbook, the second chapter deals with Dinacharya or the daily regimen.


Gargling the Lost Art Svedhana

This Svedhana therapy is for the eyes, nose mouth and throat and are really a lost treatment form. We teach our clients how to do them because they are so good for helping to clear the mind and emotions as well as the physical senses.


Dinacharya, Early to Sun Rise

Dinacharya (Sanskrit: दिनचर्या "daily-routine") is a concept in Ayurvedic medicine that looks at the cycles of nature and bases daily activities around these cycles. Ayurveda tells us that routines help establish balance and that understanding daily cycles are useful for promoting health.

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Dinacharya Early Morning Yoga Routines

Dinacharya, or daily routine is important in our health as it sets our body to how it should function. Especially the morning routine. We can all change our pace of living if we begin to practice some form of physical exercise early in the morning.


Dinacharya Daily Art of Body Brushing

Our skin is the body’s largest organ, it absorbs anything you put on and also plays a critical role in eliminating toxins. Dry brushing has many health benefits, from improving your immune system to reducing cellulite.

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Dinacharya, The Cleansing of the Face

Remember complaining to your mother when she made you wash your face every day? It turns out she was right: regular skin cleansing is critical to maintaining healthy looking and feeling skin. But there's a lot about cleansing the face and with Ayurveda, we will tell you more about it in our perspective that will make you realize even more why it is really important not just for beauty but also for health.

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