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Sweet Potato & Paneer Curry

Everyone likes a curry and especially in the winter season. You will find lots of masala recipes on this site but I've included a simple curry mix, so easy to make and keep in a jar to use again.

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Sweet Potatoes, Kale & Ginger Hash

Sweet potatoes are a lighter food than most other foods that we chose when we need something more substantial and they are kind to the digestive system, they are rich in complex carbohydrates so they are less likely to add extra weight if you are careful in quantities.

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Kidney Beans & Cumin Stew

Another delicious winter warmer and using cumin means that you get lots o health benefits, too many to mention but here's a few cumin particularly promotes a healthy digestion and is a rich source of iron.

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Easy Spicy Black Bean Stew

This is a take of a veggie chili, but without the Quorn mince. Its packed with protein and should satisfy everyone's appetite. Its such a good winter warmer and for those who like it extra hot, not Pitta types, you can add extra chili flakes or add a fresh one for extra punch.

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Spicy Sweet Potatoes & Chickpea Stew

Don't you love a warm, hearty bowl of stew in these winter months, almost everyone loves to eat something warming and filling. This is a delicious recipe made with combining, spices, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, and coconut to fill you full of goodness.

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