Detrimental Health Effects of Obesity # 3
Detrimental Health Effects of Obesity # 3
Ayurveda describes to us the stages of disease which if we are aware and taking notice of our body we are able to take action quickly.
The problem with dis ease is that we become accustomed to feeling under the weather of a bit heavier, or slower, it becomes the norm in our daily lives. This then leads to the problem becoming more acute, this, in turn, makes the problem more difficult to bring into balance.
If we have got to the stage of obesity it will require hard work to tackle the weight loss and the mind will also be suffering, there will be a conflict of mind and body.
Depression is often felt when you start to see yourself as obese and this can with symptoms that include lethargy and overeating. Like most mind-body interactions, obesity can lead to ill health, which is linked to depression and anxiety. Additionally, overweight people are also more likely to lose the psychological benefits of exercise.
Detrimental Effects
Many obese people do not really understand the very real problems that come with being overweight, here is a list of common results of long term obesity.
· High blood pressure
· Diabetes
· Heart disease
· Joint problems, including osteoarthritis
· Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
· Cancer
· Metabolic syndrome
· Psychosocial effects
If you are overweight and think that you on the obesity scale you should visit a good health practitioner, ayurvedic practitioner or your doctor to discuss options to help you.
Ayurvedic Tips for obesity
In order to lose weight and reach the optimal level of Agni (metabolism ) it is important to avoid the following:
Eating even a smaller portion that your usual portions can make a difference. Avoid overeating and/or eating heavy foods in large quantities
Avoid leftover foods, processed, canned foods, fast food or food with additives and colorings.
Avoid ice-cold water and drinks and cold foods, this is very detrimental to your digestive system, try to drink warm foods.
Quit drinking alcohol and smoking, at the least reduce your alcohol intake.
Avoid cruciferous vegetables, fried foods and heavy foods
Do not talk or laugh while eating. Do not eat on the run or while watching TV, all these activities increase the volume and encourage fast eating, both add to the problem of good digestion.
In order to be healthy and increase digestive power (Agni) while losing weight, the following steps should be followed:
Eat fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruit.
Eat freshly cooked warm food. It will strengthen Agni, digests food better, reduces excess Kapha and Vata
Eat food, which has enough oil, and is moist enough (not fried). It tastes better, helps Agni, builds dhatus, and increases strength.
Do not eat food with the wrong combination. E.g. Honey and ghee, according to Ayurveda, when combined in equal quantities, can be poisonous. Mixing sour fruits and milk, commercial yogurts are a real problem for this.
Eat only when you are hungry.
Eat three meals a day and avoid snacking.
Eat light meals for breakfast and dinner and heavy meal during lunch time, have early dinner between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sleeping for fewer hours. Avoiding sleeping in afternoons helps to increase the burning of calories. This avoids slowing of basal metabolic rate.
Eat with a proper frame of mind – create a pleasant environment
Eating sequence: First eat carbohydrates or sweet taste, next eat salty, sour, pungent and bitter foods. Finally, eat astringent food.
10 minutes of Sun Salutations every morning is helpful. The “sun salute” is a complete Ayurvedic exercise, also known as Surya Namaskara. This series of postures simultaneously integrates the whole physiology including mind, body, and breath. It strengthens and stretches all the major muscle groups, lubricates the joints, conditions the spine, and massages the internal organs. Blood flow and circulation are increased throughout the body.
Linda Bretherton
Ayurveda Master Trainer